Monday, January 11, 2010

A slow day for sure. We got up late due to the hectic activities of yesterday. Decided to do a bit of shopping. I've noticed the malls around here seem to be put together a bit differently than we are use to in NS. In Florida they usually try to landscape their supermarkets and strip malls to make it more attractive. At home we remove every living thing from the landscape and pave it over with asphalt and stick a box store in the middle of a barren wasteland. I even observed what appeared to be two employees in the parking lot picking up paper and other trash.

Kathy got her sneakers! Yea!

Weather is on the upswing. 15C today with the promise of warmer every day, 27C by Saturday.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

We wouldn't want to miss out on a few small parking spaces, now would we? Enjoy your daily updates and pictures...