Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Kathy started the day with a good Zumba workout. I stayed here while we tried to get the hot water situation fixed up. Hot water with propane but not with electric. Guy says all fixed now. He has said that before. We shall see.

I hit the gym later this afternoon for a good workout. After that a group of us went to Applebee's for a great steak supper.

This is a fine looking group. Down at the far end is Joe and Libby from just outside Detroit. Then we have Pat and Jerry from Fort Pierce, Florida and of course Kathy from Bayswater, Nova Scotia. We had a great time and returned to Joe and Libby's motorhome for coffee afterwards.

Of course we've all heard about our gator but I forgot to tell everyone about the wild boars here. Well, there hasn't been a sighting in a while but there were quite a number of them in the area. A bunch of hunters or whatever you would call them were brought in to kill them off. Gunshots were heard for a few days but all is well now. There are also panther sightings but we haven't seen one yet. I'll keep you posted.

Tomorrow it's off to Lake Placid to meet up with good friends Bill & Jan from Nova Scotia.

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