Monday, December 19, 2011

Day 2

What a difference a day makes!

Took the Black Beast to the doctor in Houlton this morning, 7am sharp. To make a long story short she was re-energized and ready for travel in about an hour. Just had a new turbo installed recently and turns out our problems yesterday were related to that. The computed just needed to be updated with new files or whatever and she is as good as new. They did a flash to the computer and problems gone. Really booted her along today. Well, for me she was really moving. Kept her at 70 mph facing a pretty good headwind and paid the price in fuel. Running at about 9 to 10 mpg.

We are just outside Hartford, Conn. tonight. Tomorrow hoping to be in West Virginia and hoping it is mild enough to pull into an RV park and dewinterize. Wednesday in South Carolina if all goes well. Stopping there for a few days to spend some time with Kathy's sister Joan.

1 comment:

Bill & Jan said...

Glad to hear all went well today.