Friday, December 24, 2010

Florida Trip 2010/11

First day out went very well. Left Bayswater at 7:30 am this Friday morning, Christmas Eve 2010. Very windy day which means the oil refineries were very happy with my travel plans. Then there was the snow and freezing rain thru the Cobequid Pass. Oh well, 600+ kms closer to the sunshine. The weather doesn't plan to get much better. Tomorrow should be a good day but a day or two of snow after that. We shall see.

Tonight it's Houlton Maine. Nice little motel on the edge of town, just a couple of kms inside the US. Very smooth border crossing.

We are thinking of our families tonight and wishing all a very happy day tomorrow. Glad you made it home Morgan!

It' hard to believe we have no obligations until March of next year. I know that somehow we will cope.

Until tomorrow.

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